Canola Farm Panorama

Canola Farm Panorama

Valleyford, Washington

Photo © copyright by Craig Goodwin.

Fine Art Paper Print

Canola Farm Panorama print

This archival print on fine art paper is a great choice for displaying the image in a readily available standard-sized frame or taking it to your local frame shop for custom matting and framing.

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Glossy Metal Print

Canola Farm Panorama print

Glossy metal prints are a dynamic display option with vivid colors and a sharp and lively appearance. The hidden shadow mount frame floats the print a half inch off the wall, giving it a clean, modern look. The image is sublimated to the surface using a heat press, which makes for a long-lasting print. If reflections caused by the glossy finish are a concern, the matte finish metal print is a good alternative.

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Semi-Gloss Metal Print

Canola Farm Panorama print

Semi-Gloss metal prints are a great display option, with similar contrast and vibrant color to the glossy prints, with over 50% less reflection on the surface. The hidden shadow mount frame floats the print a half inch off the wall, giving it a clean, modern look. The image is sublimated to the surface using a heat press, which makes for a long-lasting print.

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Matte Metal Print

Canola Farm Panorama print

Matte metal prints have the same modern, clean look of glossy metal prints but without the reflections. The hidden shadow mount frame floats the print a half inch off the wall. The image is sublimated to the surface using a heat press, which makes for a long-lasting print. Reach out to Craig directly if you have questions about the finish that will work best for you.

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Canvas Print

Canola Farm Panorama print

The image is printed on archival canvas and coated with a layer of UV protection. The print is stretched on a one-inch wooden frame and is ready to hang.

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

It can seem intimidating to order prints without seeing them in person, especially when it's a large investment. I personally handle every order that comes through this website to ensure a quality print. My business was built on personal relationships at art shows, and I do my best to maintain that personal touch and will make sure that you are satisfied with your purchase.

Most prints will ship 1 week after the order is placed, and shipping usually takes 2-3 business days.

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